Custom Soaps
Talk to us about your personal custom made soaps for your Bed & Breakfast or maybe you need some wedding favours?
Note: These will be only made to order - they are not in stock. Please send us an email at to discuss your wishes.
Our soaps have a minimum curing time of 4 weeks, so we need a time frame for making them of at least 6-8 weeks in advance.

Guest Soap Examples - Price per whole loaf
Only made per custom order, please email us before you order

Bed&Breakfast Soap Examples - Price per whole loaf
Only made per custom order, please email us before you order

Personal Thank You Soaps - Price per whole loaf
Only made per custom order, please email us before you order

You are a fan of our soaps and want a whole loaf for yourself? Price for one batch:
Only made per custom order, please email us -